Category: Funny Stuff


Redneck Deck

Notice this is built on top of two rows of shipping pallets? I’m guessing that is not even close to code. It looks level at least.

You decide

Should a large hissing snake by the back door count as a home alarm system?

Ghost in the Appraisal?

I am currently completing an appraisal for a new home built on an infamous and reputedly haunted site in Manteno, IL. So far no paranormal activity, and nothing odd in the photographs, but I will keep you posted.

If you ever need a report on a home or group of homes that may be adversely affected by ghosts or other scary things such as: water contamination, mining activity, or a nuclear power plant give me call. I have over 20 years of experience, and an extensive CV and training.  Whatever the situation I am not afraid.