Why an Appraisal?
You might wonder why you need to pay for an appraisal, when you can get a “free” value estimate of your home from a real estate sales person, broker, or website. Appraisals pay for themselves by saving you money in the long run. Appraisals can prevent bad financial decisions and help identify beneficial ones. Appraisals ensure a fair, unbiased, and credible opinion of the value of your real estate assets. Appraisers are held to numerous ethical requirements intended to ensure public trust in our objectivity. Under Illinois law (225 ILCS 458/5-5), only licensed and certified appraisers can provide appraisal services. No instant on-line estimate meets the legal and ethical requirements of an appraisal. These are used primarily as click-bait for marketing purposes, and cannot identify, verify, make, or support judgments about a home’s marketable features or local market conditions. Likewise, no one acting as a real estate sales person or broker can meet the unbiased objectivity and ethics requirements of an appraiser. Suburban Value works hard to maintain our objectivity, impartiality, and discretion. We never take assignments where a predetermined bias or outcome is required. We never share our value conclusions or any of your information without your permission. Our chief appraiser has over 25 years of experience in local markets and has extensive qualifications that add further weight and credibility to our value conclusions.